Dear Mr. Husband

Monday, April 16, 2012

I know I claim not to be super girly, but I do tend to think about you just like every other girl thinks about their future Mr.

I hope you're doing well and I hope you know you are loved.  Maybe it's silly of me to think of myself as already loving you, but I really do.  When I think of the man I envision having as my eternal companion, I envision an eternity of complete bliss in the most incomparable sense.  I envision endless moments of laughter and love.  I envision a home full of color and the vibrancy of life.  I envision music and melodies sung by little voices in the most beautiful off-key tones.  I envision a home where Christ, Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost are at the center of all things therein.

I hope you're trying everyday to be as close to Heavenly Father and Christ as you possibly can.  I hope you're preparing to serve a mission, are serving one diligently, or are continuing to serve even after your mission has ended.  I hope you sincerely hunger for the words of the scriptures and of latter-day prophets everyday.  I hope you find peace in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I hope you are kind to your family.  I hope they are your best friends.  I hope you comfort them and seek to help them in any and every way possible.

I hope you have a passion for service.  I hope that you uplift anyone you see that has fallen.  I hope you seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit daily to not only guide yourself toward Heavenly Father, but to guide others down that same path.

Most of all, I hope you have your heart set on eternity with me, our family, Heavenly Father, and Jesus Christ, because honey, It's everything I want and more.
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