Gruesome Goop

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hello, beautifuls!

Yes, it's weird for me to be posting so soon after my last post, but whoa dang...I'm excited!

Yes, my ear has been throbbing for the past couple of days, as well as being disgusting (I'll spare you the details), but, reader, I'm going to Seattle in twenty days!  TWENTY DAYS!  Huzzah!

We're going to visit my Great Aunt Gretchen for Christmas!  It's snowing in Seattle right now, and I cannot freaking wait to divulge myself in that frozen water glory.

I know everyone says that snow is awesome/beautiful for like five seconds, and then you realize you can't feel your toes, or your car has decided to stop functioning, but I honestly don't think that will be the case.

I have experienced snow twice in my life.  The first time was when I was an infant, so not so much recollection there, but I remember when I was in Utah for Christmas when I was seven, I felt like I was in Heaven (rhyme time!).  I fell in love with the snow.  At least, that's how I remember the whole experience.  I don't remember really complaining, except when I had to wait forever for the snow to build up enough to build a snowman and have a snowball fight.

I also cannot wait to visit my Aunt Gretchen.  She is the freaking best.  You just can't help but love her.  Like, seriously.  I can't even describe how fun she is and how happy I am when she visits.


  1. Ah! Oregon is absolutely the most gorgeous place on earth. Have funnn!

  2. Seattle, Washington, Emma Lucy. Haha.


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