Happy Mother's Day

Sunday, May 11, 2014

During an exhaustingly early shift, an intense headache, an embarrassingly late arrival to church, and in interacting with these incredible people I've met so far on the Disney College Program I thought of my mom today.

I thought about how hard she works, even on her days off, to ensure my safety, well-being, and happiness.  I thought of her warm hugs always ready to let me in.  I thought of her immense faith and love for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I thought of the person she has always made me want to be -- her.

I have a mom who has always supported and participated in the growth of my imagination.
I have a mom who loves me completely in every word and deed.
I have a mom who encourages and strengthens my sensitive heart.
I have a mom who taught me to look up when I felt my head and heart hanging low.
I have a mom who scared away all the bad dreams and now helps me brace all the bad realities.
I have a mom who knows and loves me to the ends of time.
I have a mom that taught me to have confidence in myself.
I have a mom that taught me to have confidence in and love for others.
I have a mom who is my best friend, my best cheerleader, and my greatest confidante.
I have a mom who taught me to find beauty in the crazy mess that life can be.
I have a mom who taught me the importance of adventure.
I have a mom who taught me the greatest dance moves known to mankind.
I have a mom who showed me the beautiful vibrancy in being passionate about the things you love.
I have a mom who is the perfect mom for me.

I hope someday I can be just like you, mommy, because you're pretty and I love you.

Happy Mother's Day to the greatest mom I could ever ask for.

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