Yep, I'm an Idiot.

Monday, May 7, 2012

So, I had my AP Environmental Science exam this morning.  APES is probably my favorite of all the classes that I'm taking this year (minus AP Lit, of course), so I was super confident/stoked about this exam.

To preface my demise, let me inform you of the fact that I have taken six AP exams over the course of these past three years of high school.  I am no stranger to the essay portion.  Typically, each exam possesses three essays.  I was actually thinking about this fact this morning whilst taking the APES exam when pondering the next AP exam I am to take on Thursday (AP Literature and Composition).  Let me also say that I am not blonde.  I was actually born with the darkest brown shade of hair you can think of before actually getting to black.

For some goodness-forsaken reason, I forgot about the fourth question on the AP portion of the exam.  That's right.  I stopped at number three, finished half an hour early, and thought something was wrong, so I went back, edited the three essays that I had written, and still thought things were good and dandy.  I rocked the multiple choice and did fairly well on the other three essays, but for some reason my stupid self forgot about the fourth question, and did not remember until talking about it with Adam on the way home.  I am an idiot, ladies and gentlemen.

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