
Friday, August 10, 2012

It was not until today, after I took my last final, that I hit that point where I realized I am a full-fledged adult.  This whole time, I've kind of been feeling like this is just some freakishly long summer camp.  On one hand, I'm really upset that I can't be home right now, but on the other I'm really glad and grateful for all the experiences I had this summer.  I have met some incredible people and it has been a dream come true (dramatic?) to be around people who share my exact same values and beliefs.  I no longer have to suppress my biblical jokes, or when someone says a line from a hymn in regular conversation, I am no longer the only one who gets that hymn stuck in their head immediately afterwards.  More than just those values being matched in everyone I meet, I have met people that I have no trouble being my full self around, which is just incredible.  Don't mistake me as putting on some facade.  I just mean, with every friend we have, we magnify some specific personality trait around specific people, but I think I have held nothing back with every wonderful person I have had the privilege of meeting.  I am so excited for what Fall has to offer.

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