Gratitude Journal

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I am a sucker for procrastination and this blog does not lessen the enticement of said p word.

Today was another school day.  Another day where I wanted to cry for lack of understanding how and when to study for my two tests that I need to take by Thursday.  I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed and watch a movie.

Part of the reason I have been lacking in the blogging department was because I used it as an excuse to not journal.  I felt like if I blogged one day, that meant I didn't have to journal that day too.  I don't want to get carpal tunnel for goodness' sake!  Since ceasing the consistent blogging, I can proudly say I have been super consistent in my journaling.  This is actually the longest length of time that I have been consistent in my efforts to journal.  Sleep or homework or reading a book after reading my scriptures was always so much more appealing to me as I was growing up.  No one would want to read my journals, right?  What is the point of them?

I'm not the world's most fantastic writer and my journal entries can get pretty lengthy due to my obsession to let my posterity know every detail of my every day, but journaling daily has really helped me better express my thoughts and it  has helped me develop a better perspective of my every day doings.

As far as content, though, I have really been putting forth effort to keep the entries short and sweet.  I have heard a million times about gratitude journals for those who never know what to write, but being the me who writes way too much, I just never digested the idea.  However, at a fantastic campus Tuesday Devotional, I was inspired by the speaker's talk of gratitude and his mention of a gratitude journal.  I took a step back and realized while it's always fun to read about the every day lives of my ancestors, what I love most is reading about the happiness of their days.  I'm not saying I want my children thinking I'm perfect and never struggle, but I also want them to know that life is so much more rewarding when we think back on our day and realize all the beautiful things that filled it.

I am going to try to balance blogging and journaling, but no promises.  I am grateful, though, that I live in a world where I can reach out to so many through the technology available.  We truly live in  great and marvelous times.

Divine Struggle

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Woah.  I have definitely been M.I.A. these past few months.  All apologies.*

For some reason, Sundays always seem like the perfect day to blog.  I gain this spiritual high from church and then I feel like I can do anything and creativity and thought just feel so abundant for some reason.

Anywho, life has been a bit crazy in my neck of the woods.  As previously mentioned, I am taking classes that are stretching my limits of sanity and I also work basically all weekend every weekend. The thing is, though, I honestly don't mind it one bit.  That sounded super self-righteous, but it has taken me quite some time to get to this point.  A couple of breakdowns and a talk with my mommy later, I have reached that point we reach once a trial has been faced and dealt with with the help of the Lord (and in my case my personal Wonder Woman: my mother).  It's that point of perspective where we have finally reached that light at the end of the tunnel and realize, "Holy crap.  That was totally worth it."  It's worth it because of the fact that we finally see our growth.  We finally realize that whatever trial we overcame has made us progress that much more in our divine progression; we are that much closer to becoming what our Heavenly Father created us to become; we are that much closer to Him and the Savior; we are that much closer to being worthy of our Heavenly Home, and that moment of realization is worth every ounce of sorrow and suffering.

Inspiration from here:

Time Heals Nothing

* I hope that song is now stuck in your head.
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