
Saturday, January 7, 2012

So, I pre-ordered John Greens' new book, The Fault in Our Stars quite some time back after having slaved away at my mom's office for the sole intention of me gaining an income that would insure me a signed copy of this new book in my mailbox/on my porch on January 10.

Let me back up a few paces here. John Green is an (AMAZING) author/vlogger. His mind is a land of brilliancy and corn-eating-zombies. He has written such masterpieces as Paper Towns, An Abundance of Katherines, and Looking for Alaska. He has also been co-author of Let it Snow and Will Grayson, Will Grayson. He is a truly gifted young adult author. His books give a voice to teenagers that is rarely found in books of the same genre. It is a voice of intelligence, wit, creativity, and realness. I think it's safe to say that he is my favorite modern-day author (I have a soft spot in my heart for eighteenth century literature, but he comes close even to those).

The lovely ladies at iEatWords are hosting John Green Week (January 3 through January 10) in honor of John Green's newest creation, The Fault in Our Stars, being released on the 10th of this month. I actually found out about this on the first day, but I could not for the life of me decide what I wanted to do with this wonderful idea of a week dedicated to this amazing writer and human being. Should I reread? Should I spend some Christmas gift cards on Will Grayson, Will Grayson or Let it Snow? But I'm reading Little Women...But I have too much school work! Such were my thoughts for three days. Then, on Thursday, I put thought to action and made Adam drive me to my beloved Barnes and Noble so that I could purchase Will Grayson, Will Grayson. I have yet to start reading it, but rest assured that it will be read before Tuesday.

Along with this treasure, I also purchased The Help. Well, it was actually quite a long process of getting it down to that...

I was ecstatic about the eight books that I was holding close to my heart, then came to the rational conclusion that I needed to stop being a crazy book lady and narrow my massive (and quite heavy) load of books down. After going back and forth about what to do, I called my buddy, Adam,* over to unclench my tight grip from those beautiful books that I had been dreaming about.**  After calculating and realizing I was holding $80 worth of fiction, half an hour of narrowing downness took place and we resolved to the old I'll-put-two-behind-my-back-and-you-pick-one trick. The two behind the back were The Book Thief and The Help. I picked The Help, but then I started whining because I've REALLY been wanting to read The Book Thief. Plus, that's probably my favorite time period for reading (besides 18th century, again***). After patiently watching me crumble and break down (well, maybe it wasn't that dramatic), Adam told me I needed a happy book, and that The Help seemed like the happiest of the two. As we were deciding all of this, though, I saw It's Kind of a Funny Story...I'll spare you the minor details and just say that ten minutes later, I was finally checking out with my comrades, Green, Levithan, and Stockett.

I have a problem, reader.  I'm way too indecisive.


I had to call him over because he was finishing reading Mockingjay in the cafe.*

It's been way too long since I've been able to purchase anything not for school at Barnes and Noble.**

Well, I've actually recently started loving medieval-esque books like Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones (even though I only read the beginning of it).***

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