Old Friend

Thursday, July 5, 2012

For whatever reason, Florida is referred to as the "Sunshine State."  It's even written on the state's license plates.  However, it kind of rains a whole lot, especially during summer time.  A tornado actually hit my neighborhood two days before I left and it had been raining for a week prior to that.  After I left, a tropical storm even decided to rest itself on my city.  For the month or so that I've been in Utah, I have subconsciously been expecting those afternoon showers that I'm so used to. Without much knowledge about the weather that goes on outside my zip code, I asked my aunt if it ever rains here.  She chuckled a bit and informed me that it only rains a little bit in the Spring; well, a little bit as compared to Florida.  This was actually really disappointing to me.  I absolutely love rain.  It just possesses some sort of magic that can't really be described.  My favorite primary song was actually I Know When I am Baptized because of the first verse:

I like to look for rainbows
Whenever there is rain
And Ponder on the Beauty
Of an earth made clean again

I kind of still love to ponder on that beauty.  I thought I would be missing a summer filled with rain to cool the heated earth, but today has been a different story.

I was running late for my Living Prophets class.  As I opened my dorm building's door, I noticed how ominous the sky looked.  I brushed it off as probably just having to do with all the fires going on here in Utah, but then there was that smell.  It wasn't exactly the same rain smell as back home, but it was something similar and something in the feeling of the air that screamed rain was coming.  Still, I did not let my hopes rise.  Then, as I walked out of my class, I saw my old friend.  It was raining and it was wonderful.  It wasn't the same heated-cool rain as I was used to, but it was still something.  As is tradition for me and these old friends, I am going to take a nap and it will be fantastic because if there's a better time to take a nap, it's always with the rain softly hitting the ground or the roof and humming you to sleep.

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