Labor of Love

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

So, I know I promised you tales of Disney and End of the World parties, but I have really just been enjoying some family time.

Come December every year, I basically listen to Christmas music nonstop.*  So, I definitely have some favorites.  I heard this song last year for the first time and it is just so beautiful.  A lot of people have lost sight of the "reason for the season."  They post "XMAS" on posters and plaster Santa on their roofs instead of a manger in their yards.  So, it's so refreshing and beautiful to hear a song like this that amazingly reflects the incredible people that raised the Savior of the World (alongside Heavenly Father), the beautiful Mary and the noble Joseph.  This song is just incredibly powerful and I hope you love it as much as I do.

How lucky we are to have had Mary and Joseph in this world so many years ago, full of humility and worthiness to carry and raise the Father's Only Begotten.  How lucky we are Christ was born and walked this earth.  How lucky we are to hold a place in His heart.

*Well, I kind of listen to it all year-round, but I only openly listen to it come December 1st.

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