Wonderfully Terrified

Thursday, April 25, 2013

I am so happy.

The stress of finals that were not really too stressful has subsided.  Although, my butt still has not forgiven me for sitting on a hard floor for four hours yesterday while I was studying for my final final.

I'm completely terrified in the most exciting way for what's to come.

After my last final yesterday, I finally lost all tolerance of sanity.  Luckily, I was not alone in this and celebrated my madness with my lovely friend Mariangel by eating at the fine eating establishment that is JCW's and catching up on Parks and Recreation until around 2am.

Today was my last day at work.  I am no longer a cafeteria lady.  Even though I will most likely never have the best customers ever again (missionaries), I am happy to be done with the glamour that the occupation possessed.  It was a good job where I met wonderful people and I got to see some of my friends and family off before they went to serve the Lord, but I have had my fill of it.  I'm proud that I had the opportunity.  It was my first job that I sought out for myself.  I relied on it to sustain the roof over my head and the copious amount of trips to Denny's (it's the only place open past nine here).

Now, as I am experiencing the treachery of packing, cleaning, and experiencing unemployment (for now), I am still so wonderfully scared of what the future holds.  It is exhilarating.

I also had pizza and watched The Young Victoria.  It was beautiful (the pizza and the movie).

Brain Disgorge: An Update

Saturday, April 20, 2013

There are so many things that are happening in my brain/life/world.

As I type this, I am sitting on my bed that has now become a cage.  One side is just the wall that it's pushed up against and the other is a man-made wall.  Well, a me-made wall.*  I am moving into my new apartment a week from Monday and I am moving all my stuff out in less time than that -- five days.  It's just so nifty how there are only a few days between when my current contract ends and my new one begins (that was sarcasm).  Being the youngest cousin on my dad's side and having watched far too much TLC growing up, I have always heard about the agonizing process of moving.  Let me just add to that sentiment  -- it is agonizing in the most tragic way.  There is no word that could adequately describe how painful it is.  I don't even understand why it's so horrid.  It just is.  I have acquired so much crap and I don't even know how it happened.

On top of moving, finals have crept their way into my existence.  I already took one and it went really well.  I don't know exactly what I got just yet, but I have high hopes for it.  I'm surprisingly calm about all of my finals.  It's not like I have a tight grip on everything I need to know.  I'm just not crying every five seconds like I was last semester during finals.  (You think I'm exaggerating.  I promise I am not.)

I am applying to new jobs without much promise thus far.  I am hopeful, though.  I'm trying to avoid any sort of food establishments.  I think I'm done with that sort of thing for now.

I finally read a book start-to-finish.  It's my first time in a long time and my first time this year.  It's so sad.  I read eight books in 2012 and I'm desperately trying to improve that sad statistic for this year.  The book was Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion.  It was pretty good.  There were some parts that dragged a bit, but it was really well-written.  I was pleasantly surprised.  I recently bought Divergent by Veronica Roth, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Stevenson, and Mansfield Park by Jane Austen.  So, hopefully I'll be diving into those soon.

I don't know when or how I accepted it, but I've come to terms with the fact that I'm an alleged adult now.  Well, at least more than I accepted it before.  Yet, the part of me that still wants to get the ball rolling is still hanging on to the edge of her seat in anticipation.  I blame Pinterest and it's expectations for my future wedding and children.  I was content with everything and being young, wild, and free,** but recently my imaginative six year-old self has made herself known and is impatient for the future to come.

I guess this just turned into an update in the form of brain vomit.  I don't actually like the word vomit.  Thesaurus.com is giving me disgorge instead.  I'm gonna go with that one.

I'm going to attempt for the millionth time today to start a project that's due on Monday and study for the two more exams I have left.

I hope your weekend is a bit more exciting than mine has turned out to be.

*Phrases like this are what made me believe I should be an English major.  I regret nothing.
**"Young, wild, and free," meaning taking spontaneous walks to Denny's or JCW's when I feel like it.


Friday, April 12, 2013

So, awesome.  This BEDA thing is turning out exactly as I thought it would, but wished it wouldn't.  With finals ahead and the big projects all being due this week and next, April has not been a month of downtime.  I always jump into BEDA at the last possible moment, without any thought as to how in the world I'm going to do it, and then it turns into BaLMTUiA (Blog a Little More Than Usual in April).  I promise to do better next time.

In the mean time, the majority of my big toe nail has been disengaged from it's usual place of residence.  Such is the result of being behind an opening door and walking toward it.  It hurt like a beast and they'll probably have to cut it off.  The latter part was a joke, but it definitely does feel like death.  On the bright side, though, both of my teachers gave me a break for my assignments that were due today.  So, thanks, toe.

It is the weekend and I will definitely be catching up on some shows in the pursuit of procrastinating forever.

BEDA: Burnt Out and Happiness

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I have been extremely neglectful of this whole blogging thing.  Not because I don't love to write or expose too much information about myself to the internet. It is simply because I have been making an extreme effort to not procrastinate.

Ya see, when I run out of Facebook friends to stalk; when I'm caught up on my YouTube subscriptions; when tumblr becomes too spoiler-filled for my liking, I turn to my blog for both the need to procrastinate as well as the need to fill my empty bowl of inspiration.

Being an English major, there have been multiple occasions where I have become burnt out by the time I have to start my third paper of the week.  Without time to be inspired by that novel I have been dying to read, I turn to the blogs that I follow to get my creative juices a-flowin' once more, and just to make sure they stay a-flowin', I write my own blog post.

As of late, I have been really happy.  Despite the heavy load of school and work and despite the trials that seem to be tumbleweeding my path of life, I have been just completely happy.  I have an unhealthy love for my major,  my classes are wonderful across the board, I have awesome friends from both school and work.  It's probably sickening to outsiders how happy I have been.  Okay, maybe it hasn't gone that far, but it's just about there.  This happiness has been inspiration enough to keep me on top of things and kept those juices of creativity flowing.

Despite missing BEDA Day 1, I am going to continue on in this endeavor of writing one blog post for every day for the rest of April.
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