Awkward Mormons

Saturday, June 23, 2012

So, sorry to be such a debbie-downer in that last post.  This one is going to make me seem a tad bipolar.  My apologies.

Yesterday may or may not have been the greatest day of college thus far.  Having only one class in the morning, I went back to the dorm with every intention of taking a nice, comfy nap.  However, my conscience kicked in and told me to get something done.  So, I did.

The day before that, I went to the Student Advisement Center here on campus to ask them how exactly I'm supposed to declare a minor in English.  The guy told me I needed to go to the Biology department (my major), have them fill out a form, take that form to the English department, have them sign it, then take it back to Student Advisement.  While it was already dinner time and that sounded like quite a task, I decided to put it off until the next day (yesterday).

So, after debating between a nap and productiveness, I decided to engage in the latter.  I worked on my Opinion Editorial for my English class a bit, then headed on down to the good ole Life Sciences building.  I went to the PDBio on accident, they told me I needed to go downstairs to the regular Biology department, then the regular Biology department told me I needed to go to the English department to get the Holy Grail of a paper that would determine my minor.  So, I went to the English department, they told me I needed to go to the regular Humanities Advisement Center.  So, I did.  I then took it to the regular Life Sciences Advisement Center, and they took care of it from there.  Ladies and gents, I'm officially working on a major in Biology and a minor in English.

I worked up a pretty good appetite with that whole ordeal, so I decided to grab a calzone from the Wilk (a building on campus that also happens to have a cafeteria-like section with Subway, Taco Bell, and other various fast food places).  It turns out one of my awesome Y group leaders from orientation was working at the place I got some grub, which was a lovely surprise.

I sat there for awhile after feasting, and caught up on some social media, then I headed back to my dorm.

After relaxing for a bit and attempting to finish that editorial, I decided it was time to do some laundry, and apparently, so did everyone else on my floor.  It was quite a task and I got quite a workout going up and down four flights of stairs for two hours, but it got done.  So, that's always good.

I then finished my editorial, posted it to my class Facebook page (we were supposed to; I was not bragging to people or anything), and headed out to the Wilk once more to have dinner with Miry and her roommate, Rebecca.  After chatting for a bit, we headed back to their dorm and had the funnest night ever.

We snacked a bit, played Uno and this other psycho game, called OzFluxx.  Then, their other roommates came home and even more fun commenced.

I don't even know what we were doing when we noticed what was going on outside their window in their courtyard.  Guys and gals our age were sitting in a circle, and there was one girl in the center of that circle.  At first we thought this was just an innocent game of Duck, Duck, Goose, but oh, contrary-wise!  All of a sudden a guy and a girl from the circle stood up and raced to the middle.  The guy apparently was supposed to attempt to get to the girl in the middle, and kiss her on the cheek, while the girl from the circle was racing him towards the center of the circle kiss him on the cheek.  If the circle guy got kissed by the circle girl, he went to the center of the circle, and if the circle guy kissed the girl in the center of the circle, the circle girl got sent to the center of the circle.  It was quite awkward and quite violent.

After a couple of seconds of watching this strange ritual from the bedrooms of the dorm, we all decided to move the show to the living room and pull up the couch.  Eventually, we even started scoring with signs that had the numbers one through ten written on them.  The most hardcore attacks got the highest scores, of course.  A few people did notice, so they would try to get tens.  'Twas quite hilarious.

Towards the end of that fun time, a guy from Miry's FHE group, Nathan, came over to enjoy the free entertainment with us.  Then, we somewhat invited ourselves over to his house to meet his new roommate, Kiet (pronounced Git, but Nathan called him Kit; I asked if his last name was Kat, then we officially christened him Kit Kat).  We hung out with Kiet (who is so awesome) and all the other guys in Miry's FHE group for a bit and had an FHE prayer.  I'm kind of jealous of the awesome that is that FHE group.  I mean, I haven't been assigned one yet, but these people are going to be pretty hard to top, so they allowed for me to be an adopted member of the fam.

After "family" prayer, the guys were going to head on over to Seven Peaks (a water park here), because admission was apparently only $4 last night.  The girls decided they wanted to tag along too.  I really wanted to go, but I had the Y hike bright and early this morning:(.  So, Ashley (one of Miry's roomies) graciously drove me back to my dorm and then those lovely gals drove off into the night to have an awesome time.

The hike to the Y was brutal, but I'll save that for another time.  This post is way too long and I have way too much homework to do.

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