Too Many Photos to Fathom

Monday, November 1, 2010

-jumps out of corner- SURPRISE!  I'm not sure what the surprise is....maybe the fact that I'm still alive?  Sure.

So, it's been a busy couple of weeks, and not just with school.  The end of the first nine weeks was ripping my sleep-deprived body to pieces.  I wanted nothing more than sleep, but my teachers gave me homework instead. The last week didn't really require much homework, but the stress of what my exams were capable of doing to my grades kept my thoughts alert to the fact that failure could take place.  However, I ended up with A's and B's.  -wipes sweat from brow-.

With the beginning of the second nine weeks, I got my schedule switched up.  I am now taking Pre-Calculus from the teacher I had in ninth and tenth grade, but I didn't get rid of my old teacher all together:/.  I still have her for Statistics....poop.

My mom and I went to the Riverside Market a few weeks ago.  That was really awesome (even though we got there right before it was to close).  We had THE best funnel cake of our lives; their were puppies and cute kids everywhere; and there, at the end of one of the rows of tents, were wands.  As in MAGICAL WANDS.  They were amazing!  They had this little section cut in them with a plastic covering and dice inside.  There was a pamphlet with games in it, and a symbol at the top that had the four Harry Potter house colors and an emblem that resembled the Deathly Hallows.  So, we talked to one of the people at the booth to figure out what the deal was.  She said her husband came up with this idea based on the Harry Potter series.  It's nothing Pagan, which was a relief, because I didn't want to get excited and then find out it was Satanic.  Haha.  She said they have tournaments all the time with the games in the pamphlet with kids from the age of four to eighteen.  It's been two weekends, and we haven't gone back yet, but I definitely want to.

 [Oh, and we went to Chamblin's, admired the beautifully historical downtown, and got a milkshake with evidence of how it was made.]

We had our annual Mutual Paint Tag War last Wednesday.  That was a blast.

Tonight, Caroline, Millie and Emma's little sister, got baptized.  It surprises me how fast life passes.  I can't even remember when Caroline was a baby.  I vaguely even remember when my little cousins (Dylan, Tosha, and Zara) were experiencing infancy.  At times, I still feel like the six year-old at Greenfield that just wanted to fit in, even if it meant being made fun of.  Even though Nathanael is older than me, I still feel like that girl who would always rub it in his face that I was taller than him, even if he stands over a foot taller than me today.

[This baby was THE cutest thing of my life.]

Last night was the ward's Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat/Chili Cook-off.  That was a good time.  The Young Women ran a cake walk booth.  I made strawberry cupcakes for the first time, and they were delicious (sorry if that sounds conceited, but they were freaking perfection).

My mom and I have been watching Roswell on Netflix (don't judge), and I've been watching The Office.  We're on the third season of Roswell, and I'm on the second season of The Office.  My mom actually bought the first two books of the Roswell series (okay, you can judge for that).  Yes, I'm in love with Max.  I knew Tess was evil from the beginning.  Liz got a little annoying, but I'm okay with her now.  Maria is my fave. sad.  I don't really have a problem/obsession with any of the others.  Haha.  I feel bad for Kyle, though, since all he has is Buddha and no love life like everyone else.  Okay, sorry for that....I'll stop.

Casey's Halloween Party was on Friday.  It was much less scandalous than the past few.  I got to see Ernesto, whom I haven't seen since ninth grade.  Even if it was a bit awkward at first, it was fun.

 Gabby also had her party that night.  I didn't go.  We had a fight.  She hadn't responded to any of my texts or messages online.  I called her once to tell her I was under too much stress to plan the party with her.  She didn't answer, but called back when I was taking a nap, and I didn't call her back because I felt bad for wanting to bail.  She finally responded to me last weekend.  It turns out she changed her party from Saturday to Friday, which meant I couldn't go because Casey had already changed her party from Saturday to Friday so that I could go to her party on Friday, then Gabby's party on Saturday.  Gabby still expected me to go to her own party, even though that would have been completely rude.  GAH!  (Sorry if that was confusing).  All is well now, though (as far as I'm concerned).  The whole thing didn't bother me as much as it bothered her, I think.  Whatevs.  I had a good weekend.

How was your Halloween weekend, reader?


  1. aw I miss you. And Chamblins.
    also is that a picture of you as Bellatrix cursing Sirius in his Animagus form?


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