
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Too many things.  Too many life/time-consuming things.

So, welcome to BAEDA (Blog ALMOST Every Day in April).  I'm your host, Procrastination Pants.

I'm doing too many things at once right now.  I'm writing a script for my Etymology video project.  I have Doctor Who waiting for me in one of my internet's tabs.  I just finished annotating my video FOR THE SECOND TIME.

The first time included me annotating for about fourty-five minutes before realizing that I was annotating the version of the video that was edited wrong.  If you are not familiar with Youtube jargon, just know that annotating a video can be very tedious work at times, especially if your entire video contains annotations for specific parts of the screen throughout the entire video.


Also!  Also!  Also, my cousin is staying with us again this week, because he goes to the community college here, but he doesn't live in this town.  He plays the same song on the piano everytime he comes, and this time has been no exception.  It makes me want to scream, "KILL THE SPARE!"  But then, I remember he's my cousin and I love him.  I don't like using conjunctions at the beginning of sentences.

Tomorrow is Emma Lucy's birthday.  She's my friend, and she lives too far away.  I want to send her things of love and happiness, but I'm afraid it will get stolen/broken/demolished/sent to Hades half way there.

My brain has died, reader.  That is all.


  1. Ah! I'm so excited to have been mentioned! This definitely counts as a thing of love and happiness. :)
    Also, we should definitely get a bunch of hardcore HP fans together and go to the next midnight showing of Twilight dressed like Death Eaters. Then, whenever Robert Pattinson appears, we can scream KILL THE SPARE at the screen and avada kedavra anyone that complains. Okay? okay.

  2. That sounds like the potentially greatest night of my life.


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