Brain Hurt

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

So, my homework is somehow being done right now.  Well, not right now, but merely moments ago I assure you it was being done.  I say "somehow" being done because I am sleep-deprived.  Before Spring Break, I was on my ideal sleeping schedule.  Naps were seldom required and I got things done.  Then, that all came to a crash kaboom when I stayed up until about 1am packing for Playlist Live.

I moved a bunch of food storage to and from my grandma's car and storage unit.  So, that was a workout.  My body is probably going to hate me tomorrow, but whatevs.

I then went to the orthodonist and I think I actually had the thought of falling asleep in the chair when I was waiting for Dr. Anderson to inspect the metal-plastic devices he tells me to keep wearing to keep my teeth from going back to under-bites, cross-bites, and an uneven jaw.

My mom told me I couldn't go to sleep until 8pm.  Even though I explained to her that I had homework to do, and if I could just take a thirty minute nap, I could get through the homework awaiting my aching body, she wouldn't budge.

We then went for a walk because I no longer have gym, but health every day, which creates a problem of lack of exercise.  I just used the word "of" a lot.  My bad.

My brain hates me right now.  It's aching and pulsating with a plea of slumber, but alas, AP U.S. History, Pre-Calculus, AND FCAT Science practice calls, and I must answer if I want to get straight A's this quarter.

(Also, reading the chapter for Health, but I probably won't until the day before the test, because it's kind of obvious that procrastination is my thing.)

I'll probably read this later and wonder if someone spiked my Diet Coke that I got from Chick Fil A.

I hope your sleeping habits are in much better shape than mine.  No one deserves this agony, reader.

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