April Fool's Day

Friday, April 1, 2011

So, it's been way too freaking long since I've written a blog post.  I feel like I'm in some foreign land where I don't speak the native language.

Happy April, reader.  In Youtubeland, April 1st means the start of VEDA (Vlog Every Day in April).  Since I will already be vlogging everyday in April, I thought I'd do my everyday thing Maureen Johnson/Kristina Horner style...BLOGGING Every Day in April.  I might regret this by the end of the month, though.  Looking back on some of my old posts, I've come to the conclusion that what I think is the most articulate and well-explained thought now will make no sense whatsoever in the future.  So, this should be fun.

Today is also April Fool's Day.  It's also also my Aunt April's birthday.  I have always associated the date with the latter more than the former.  I don't know why.  I was always kind of annoyed with the fact that there was an actual day designated to pull pranks, which just completely dropped the sense of surprise intended.  It's also very possible that I stopped enjoying April Fool's Day after seeing that Spongebob episode where Squidward pulls that super harsh prank on Spongebob.  Funnily enough, I watched that episode today with my best friend, Gabby.  I got her the first season of Spongebob for her birthday, and I hadn't been able to get it to her until last night.  I spent the night at her house and we watched the little yellow square all night and most of this morning.

Also, I suck at pranks.  So, that's probably the definitive reason for me not liking April Fool's Day.

I missed this, reader.

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