Melancholy Mania

Saturday, April 2, 2011

So, I'm in a bit of a melancholy mood, reader.  I mean, I'm not feeling super duper down, but I'm also not feeling particularly joyous.  Everything is kind of annoying me or getting me down and I don't feel very pretty today.  That's kind of a lame thing to say.  I'm not saying I think I'm ugly, but I think "being pretty" is more of a state of mind than a physical appearance.  I'm just not in that mindset today, and I don't really like it.  It's just some sort of funk that I'm in.  I'll get over it.

I didn't do much of anything today.  I forgot that General Conference was today, so I was a heathen and missed the Saturday sessions.  We left for my uncle's house around 4:30 and ate and visited.

For those of you who don't know, my uncle and his family are moving to Tennessee.  It's a very good thing because he's got this new, amazing job, but it's also a very sad thing because they have always lived close by.  His kids (my cousins) are all near me in age and we're all very close.  My uncle is living in Tennessee right now, and the rest of the family will be moving there when school ends.  He came to visit and help get the house ready to sell last weekend, but my mom and I didn't get the chance to go see him.  He came back again this weekend, so we had dinner with them tonight.  I'm already missing him so much.  He's such an awesome father and husband (and uncle, of course).  When I think of what I want my husband to be like, I think of the attributes that my uncle possesses, because that's just how awesome he is.

Anyways, school starts again on Monday.  That may be why I'm lacking enthusiasm right now.  It also probably has something to do with the lingering post-Playlist depression.

Sweetdreams, reader.

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