Dear August,
I don't always have a lot of confidence in my writing abilities. No matter the applause I get or the grade I receive on papers, I always know something could have gone better.
I followed the rules too strictly.
I didn't take any chances.
I took too many chances.
That sentence was unnecessary.
I should have elaborated.
One of the stories my mom and I like to tell from my childhood goes a little something like this:
When I was three I had a really bad stomach bug, so I was not feelin' too hot. For some reason it was decided that this occasion called for me coming up with my very first email. My Uncle Wayne was the lucky victim.
Dear Uncle Wayne,
I have diarrhea.
As I was telling my mom about my struggle to come up with something to talk to you about today, she pointed out the fact that I have come a long way since that classy email.
So, now, whenever I start to become too critical of myself, I'll try to stop and remember diarrhea and all will be well.
I don't always have a lot of confidence in my writing abilities. No matter the applause I get or the grade I receive on papers, I always know something could have gone better.
I followed the rules too strictly.
I didn't take any chances.
I took too many chances.
That sentence was unnecessary.
I should have elaborated.
One of the stories my mom and I like to tell from my childhood goes a little something like this:
When I was three I had a really bad stomach bug, so I was not feelin' too hot. For some reason it was decided that this occasion called for me coming up with my very first email. My Uncle Wayne was the lucky victim.
Dear Uncle Wayne,
I have diarrhea.
As I was telling my mom about my struggle to come up with something to talk to you about today, she pointed out the fact that I have come a long way since that classy email.
So, now, whenever I start to become too critical of myself, I'll try to stop and remember diarrhea and all will be well.
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