Letters to August - 4

Monday, August 4, 2014

Dear August,

Today at work, while I was on register, I heard someone calling out a name.  I just kind of ignored it and tried to not be perturbed because people yell for people in their groups all the time at our store.  Then she yelled again.  Then again.  Then I listened and realized how frantic she was.

It was a woman who had lost her child in our massive store.

I turned around and saw the deeply-etched worry in her eyes.  I saw her visibly shaking with fear.  The entire store was silent in that moment.  My heart sank seeing that complete terror in her countenance.

She found her child, but my heart went out to her in that brief moment of silence.  I cannot even explain to you the weight of what I was feeling.

The parents I was checking out at my register just looked at their kids and shared brief words of love and concern.  They were whispered and quick, but they were there.

It was in that moment that I thought of my Heavenly Father.  I thought of what He must feel when I become lost.  I thought of what He must face when I think to do things my own way rather than His.

I can barely imagine what that mother must have felt in that moment.  I can't imagine what it's like for God to have to find the entire world when they lose their grip on His hand.  He has so many children who are so lost and so frantically trying to reach out to whatever inkling of comfort and hope is strewn across their path, but He never loses faith in us.  He loves us so much.  He's always throwing something or someone across our path that will bring true comfort and hope.

He sent us to this world because He trusted that we would find our way back to Him.  He trusted that we would finally get those hints He is always dropping of how real He is and how much He love us.

He weeps for us.  He cheers for us.  He is always, always ready and willing to guide us home.

I don't know how people live without the hope of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I would be so scared.  I would feel so alone.  I would be a lost child in a store full of strangers.

I am so grateful that God is always searching for me when I stray and that He never loses faith that I will find my way back to Him.


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