Letters to August - 5

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Dear August,

What kind of music do you listen to?

That is the most difficult question for me to answer next to

What's your favorite book?

My answer is usually something like "a little bit of everything."  It sounds pretentious and I hate myself every time I say it, but it's the freaking truth.

My mom has sang and played the piano basically since her existence began and my dad is one of those people that can pick up any instrument and play it like it was made for him specifically.  They both started college majoring in music.  They were in a band together in high school.    They are musically-inclined to the max, but they are not like the snotty musically-inclined.  They did not force my brother and me to listen to Chopin and measure his style against Beethoven's.  They taught us to love every kind of music ever made.  Our home was filled with everything from Bob Marley to B.B. King to Britney Spears (that one was mostly me, though).

I'm really proud of the fact that I can spit out Led Zeppelin lyrics and then jump to Patsy Cline, but I don't always like to share all the music I like with people who ask.  Maybe it's because my random array of music is so close to my heart and I'm afraid that people will not appreciate it as much as I do, or maybe I care too much sometimes about what people think.  Whatever the case may be, I'm never too keen on letting my iTunes shuffle do its thing as I leave a room full of people.

To get myself a little out of that comfort zone of having complete control over what others hear from my personal playlist here is what my Spotify playlist of all of my songs on shuffle has to say:

All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor
Poppy by Zee Avi
Thinking About You by Norah Jones
Get to Me by Train
Tempted 1994 by Squeeze
I Am Trying to Break Your Heart (Cover) by Lauren O'Connell
I Believe in Christ by Jen Marco Handy
Piano Man by Billy Joel
Sweet Dream by Beyonce
Somebody to Love by Queen
1234 by Feist

And finally, Prologue: Beauty and the Beast by Alan Menken

Judge as you will.


P.S. This will probably keep me up at night.

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