Letters to August - 21 - Shummzie

Thursday, August 21, 2014

I am a friend of Jazzmin's. :)

My name is Ryan Shumway. In high school I had so many nicknames: Shumway, Shummzie, Shumster, Shummy (thats all I can think of). The College nick names have gotten a lot more creative: Shumdog Millionaire, Shumzilla, and a first namer, RyGuy. Enough about me.

I'm just going to tell you, August about my experience meeting Jazzmin and how that was.

I moved into the Southridge ward in August of 2013. Jazzmin was not present BECAUSE she was in Florida, after moving there after the summer because she was planning on serving a mission. Revelation happened and she felt like she shouldn't go, which is great for one very selfish reason, I GOT TO MEET HER. So, I became good friends with her friends, Arianne and Mariangel. (Both amazing people too).

I would spend the evenings of weekends with them. They were so funny and GOOFY. But, one day, this girl was with them, (da da DA). Her name was Jazzmin, she was/and is equally funny and maybe a little more goofy, but so cool too. Define Cool... OKAY. She has no shame in sending the craziest snap-chats, and they're basically hilarious every time. No doubt. #nodoubt.

Arianne, Mariangel and Jazzmin are really good friends because they influenced me to make really good decisions. I was surrounding myself with some not as good people during that time, and then I started spending time with these three ladies, and I could see the huge contrast in spirituality. I could feel the spirit with Arianne, Mariangel and Jazzmin (Im going to abbreviate you three to JAM :D ). So I felt really good with JAM but then I would go to my "other friends" and not feel as good and it started to get me thinking on who I should surround myself with.

So, I just wanna throw out there that JAM, you're all great friends, doing the right thing and leaving people better off than you found them. Which is a BIG plus. Thank you SO much.

I don't really know what else to tell you August. Jazzmin is attending BYU in Provo, UT as an English Major, being Englissssh with herself, and Arianne decided to flee the state because she discovered the sun is too bright for her skin to survive here anymore. (We have an inside joke that Arianne is a vampire because of her light colored skin..) So, she went to a University in Seattle, Washington.. which is PRETTY far away. Mariangel is studying Psychology. A major that I also find pretty interesting. You have to be pretty determined with this major because you need more than 4 years of schooling to make a living, which Mariangel is planning on perusing (YA GIRL YA). :)

These are my friends August. And great they are.

- Me

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